Akshay Kumar and the new Bollywood actress Tamannah have already begun shooting for Ramesh Taurani’s next, ‘It’s Entertainment’, which is reportedly a complete entertaining comedy set up in Bangkok. The producer has put together all the spices and masala in the entertainment aspect.
A brand new pair-up in Akshay and Tamannah with writers Sajid-Farhad (Bol Bachchan fame) and a huge cast including Mithun Chakraborty, Sonu Sood, Prakash Raaj, Johnny Lever and Krushna Abhishek, promise a very crazy and entertaining comedy flick!
On top of that, they’ve also auditioned and cast a golden retriever named Wonder Dog, who Akshay seems to be the most excited about.
Moreover, they have also audtioned and cast a golden retriever for the film named Wonder Dog and Akshay Kumar seems to be very enthusiastic about it!
Says the actor, “This film is full of love and laughter. Apart from working with Tamannaah, the best bit is that for the first time in my career, I’ll be working with a dog! I’ve romanced women; I’ve played with babies; I’ve done every stunt under the sun. Now, it’s time for me to take a cue from a canine. This film promises fun and it has got what everyone loves – dogs, dogs and more dogs.”
Adds Tamannaah, “I’m super excited to be working with Akshay. This film is pure entertainment and I’m really happy that it’s my next Bollywood project.”
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